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This initiative is just the start of a campaign to collect strong and accurate Census data that is vital to support our communities.  Participation in the Census will have a long-lasting, positive impact on our community by:

  • Influencing the allocation of grants, funding, and federal support to the City of Richmond and community organizations;

  • Providing data necessary to determine the need for more jobs specific to high demand industries in Richmond;

  • Determining the redistricting of neighborhood boundaries crucial for deciding the number of area legislative representatives, and;

  • Identifying local needs such as new schools, hospitals, and emergency services, as well as recreational areas.




"RVACounts2020" launched with an official Proclamation by

Mayor Levar Stoney

October 29, 2018  |  City Hall - 900 W. Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219.

This "RVACounts2020" initiative will be led by the Chief Administrative Officer for the City of Richmond, who will also serve as

Chair for the City’s Complete Count Committee. 

For more information on RVACounts2020 activities, please visit


On Friday October 4, 2018, the City of Richmond will launch its Census 2020 Community Partnership and Engagement Initiative.  The "RVACounts2020" initiative is to ensure that no person in the City of Richmond goes uncounted during the 2020 United States Census.  Mayor Levar Stoney's office plans to work in a collaborative effort with local, community and business leaders to raise awareness on the importance of the US Census, the benefits of a robust count to our local economy, and to ensure all residents of the City of Richmond are included in the count.

Become an Ambassador
Contact Karla Ramos
Manager, Office of Multicultural Affairs, City of Richmond
Education Committee
Facilitates Census awareness for local schools from pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade, as well as post-secondary education institutions in the area. May also encourage school administrators, teachers, and students to use statistics in schools materials.
Community Outreach Committee
Collaborates with community organizations to inform individuals of the importance of participating in the 2020 Census and educates them on the benefits derived from census data.
Communications Committee
Facilitates ways to get the Census message to all Richmonders using available sources such as local newspapers, newsletters, fliers, local festivals as well as radio, television and social med
Philanthropic Committee
Strategically communicates with a wide variety of community and philanthropic organizations  to engage the public and gather valuable Census data first hand.
Vocational and Rehabilitative Committee
Creates and facilitates activities that encourages participation for the hard to reach population.  This is accomplished by providing information to correctional facilities, workforce centers and  veterans service centers.
Special Housing Committee
Encourages participation by those persons living in City of Richmond special housing communities The rental population will exceed a third of the entire U.S. population by 2020.
Business  Committee
Engages organizational members, employees and the City of Richmond business community to create a sense of awareness regarding the Census.
Faith-Based Committee
Creates and coordinates activities and materials that can be used by any local Richmond faith-based institution in the promotion of the 2020 Census  awareness and participation.
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