The primary purpose of the Subcommittees will be to:
Engage the community, share information about the Census, and encourages participation.
Assist in the development of the RVA Counts 2020 strategic plan by utilizing their expertise as it relates to specific target populations.
We have identified community and organizational leaders that are in the best position to provide resources to inform Richmond residents about the upcoming 2020 Census. Below is a list of the subcommittees and a brief description:
Business & Philanthropy Committee engages organizational members, employees, and the Richmond business community to promote the 2020 Census.
Communications Committee facilitates ways to get the Census message to all Richmonders using available sources such as local newspapers, newsletters, fliers, local festivals as well as radio, television and social media.
Community Outreach Committee collaborates with community organizations to inform individuals of the importance of participating in the 2020 Census and educates them on the benefits derived from census data.
Education Committee facilitates Census awareness for local schools from pre-kindergarten through 12th grade, as well as post-secondary education institutions in the area. May also encourage school administrators, teachers, and students to use statistics in schools materials.
Faith-Based Committee creates and coordinates activities and materials that can be used by any local Richmond faith-based institution in the promotion of the 2020 Census.
Special Housing Committee encourages participation by those persons living in special housing communities The rental population will exceed a third of the entire U.S. population by 2020.
Vocational & Rehabilitative Committee creates and facilitates activities that encourages participation for the hard to reach population. This is accomplished by providing information to correctional facilities, workforce centers, and veterans service centers.