The fundamental purpose of the Complete Count Committee (CCC) is to ensure that no person in the city of Richmond goes uncounted. This is done by raising awareness and encouraging all Richmond residents to participate.
The CCC and Subcommittees will work diligently to inform residents of the upcoming 2020 Census. To accomplish our goals, we will assemble leaders from throughout the community to work in a collaborative effort and leverage their resources, knowledge, and influence to reach as many residents as possible.
Role of
Committee Members

Informs Richmond residents about the 2020 Census to motivate self-response;
Participates in the development of strategic plans that will be used to ensure all local communities are aware and supportive of Census2020;
Reaches out to hard to count groups as well as those who aren’t motivated to respond to the national campaign.
Complete Count Committee Members

Will Palmquist is a Planner with the City’s Department of Planning & Development Review, as well as the Chair of the RVA Counts 2020 Complete Count Committee. In addition to his work with this committee, Mr. Palmquist is involved closely with the update to the Citywide Master Plan, known as Richmond 300.

Councilman Andreas Addison represents the West End 1st Voter District on Richmond City Council, having been elected in November 2016. Councilman Addison currently serves as Chair of the Governmental Operations Committee, as an alternate for the Education and Human Services Committee, and as a member of the Organizational Development Committee. He is also CEO & Founder of Civic Innovator.

Dr. Danny Avula serves a dual health director role for the City of Richmond and Henrico County Health Departments, which merged its leadership team in October 2018. Prior to that, Dr. Avula had been the Director of the Richmond City Health District since April 2016, and its Deputy Director since May 2009. Dr. Avula is recognized for his vision and innovation in public health.

Scott Blackwell is the Chief Community Engagement Officer of The Community Foundation, which serves Richmond and Central Virginia and is an organization that exists to serve its donors and their community. Since 1968, the Foundation has partnered to provide solutions of pressing community needs by way of leadership and cumulative grants of more than $800 million to hundreds of nonprofit organizations.

Dr. Allia Carter is Executive Vice President and Chief Operations Officer at Virginia Union University. In this role Dr. Carter oversees a variety of on-campus life and operations, including: Admissions, Financial Aid, Student Accounts, Housing and Residence Life, Campus Police, Counseling Services, Health Center, Student Activities & Leadership, Student Integrity & Conduct/Student Conduct & Community Standards, Career Services and Center for Student and Community Development.

Doug Dunlap is the Director of the Department of Housing & Community Development. Prior to this, Mr. Dunlap served as the Interim Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for Economic & Community Development, Interim Director of the Department of Economic & Community Development, and the Deputy Director of Planning & Development Review.

Reggie Gordon is the Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for Human Services, a portfolio which includes the Departments of Social Services, Justice Services, and Parks, Recreation & Community Facilities. He also serves as the liaison to quasi-independent and state agencies including the Richmond City Health District, Richmond Behavioral Health Authority and the Richmond Public Library. Prior to this appointment, Mr. Gordon served as Director of the Office of Community Wealth Building.

Bill Harrison has served as President and Executive Director of Diversity Richmond since 2012 and brings years of nonprofit experience, having served with the Fan Free Clinic as development and community resources during the height of the HIV epidemic. He was also the first public information officer with the Virginia Department of Health’s Bureau of STD/AIDS. Before his time with Diversity Richmond, for 17 years he was the Government and Public Affairs Director with the American Red Cross.

Dr. Catherine Howard is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Virginia Commonwealth University where she became the first vice provost of Community Engagement in 2006. She co-chairs the university’s Council for Community Engagement and administers an array of programs housed within the Division of Community Engagement.

Dr. Michael Jones represents the South Central 9th Voter District on Richmond City Council, having been elected in November 2016. Councilman Jones currently serves as Chair of the Finance and Economic Development Committee, as Vice Chair of the Governmental Operations Committee, and as a member of the Land Use, Housing and Transportation Committee and the Organizational Development Committee. He is also Senior Pastor at the Village of Faith Ministries.

Jason Kamras currently serves as the Superintendent of Richmond Public Schools (RPS). Before coming to RPS, Mr. Kamras served in numerous senior leadership roles at District of Columbia Public Schools. In these roles, he led the design and implementation of a number of key initiatives focused on ensuring excellent instruction in every classroom across the district. Mr. Kamras began his career in education in 1996 as a mathematics teacher at John Philip Sousa Middle School in Washington DC.

Dr. Cynthia Newbille serves as President of Richmond City Council where she has represented the East End 7th Voter District since first being elected in November 2009. Councilwoman Newbille currently serves as Vice Chair of the Organizational Development Committee. She also works as an Advisor to the President for Special Projects of the Richmond Memorial Health Foundation.

Mark Olinger is the Director of Planning & Development Review, the City department that guides building and development in the city of Richmond. The department oversees building and trades permitting and inspections, compliance with the property maintenance code, current and long-range planning, enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance, and historic preservation. Mr. Olinger is currently overseeing the update to the Citywide Master Plan, known as Richmond 300.

Karla Almendarez-Ramos is the Manager of the Office of Multicultural Affairs, whose missions is to create equitable opportunities for all residents across the city of Richmond by removing cultural and language barriers. Prior to her time with the City, Ms. Almendarez-Ramos was a Multicultural Outreach Specialist for the Virginia Department of Emergency Management.

Councilwoman Ellen Robertson represents the Gateway 6th Voter District on Richmond City Council, having been first elected in November 2003. Councilwoman Robertson currently serves as Chair of the Land Use, Housing and Transportation Committee, as an alternate for the Finance and Economic Development Committee, and as a member of the Education and Human Services Committee and the Organizational Development Committee.

Dr. Leo Whitaker is the Executive Minister for the Baptist General Convention of Virginia, whose mission is: “To unite and equip churches, ministries, associations, and constituents to do holistic ministry that propagate the Gospel, advances the Kingdom of God, and supports education and missions in Virginia and beyond. Our mission is to encourage ministry support and participation through partnerships with state and national bodies and other likeminded agencies that are ever expanding."

Steve Wilborn is a retiree of the University of Richmond where he served as Senior Associate Director of Admission. He serves as Interim Education Committee Chair for the Richmond Branch NAACP and previously served on the boards of The Carver Promise Mentoring Program, the Virginia Home for Boys and Girls, and as a volunteer for Meals on Wheels.

Michel Zajur founded a statewide organization, the Virginia Hispanic Chamber (VHC), in May of 2000. The VHC serves as the bridge linking the Hispanic business community within the Commonwealth of Virginia. In 2003, the Virginia Hispanic Foundation was established as an effort to further provide education, information and resources to the Hispanic community. As Founder and CEO, Mr. Zajur has helped to educate Virginia’s community about changing demographics within the state.
Complete Count Committee
Richmond City Council
Director, Richmond and Henrico Health Departments
Chief Community Engagement Officer,
The Community Foundation
Vice Provost, Enrollment
Management & Student Affairs, VUU
Director, Housing & Community Development, City of Richmond
DCAO, Human Services,
City of Richmond
President and Executive Director, Diversity Richmond
Vice Provost, Division of Community Engagement, VCU
Richmond City Council
Director, Planning & Development Review, City of Richmond
Richmond City Council
Superintendent, Richmond
Public Schools
CEO & Founder,
Virginia Hispanic Chapter
Manager, Office of Multicultural Affairs, City of Richmond
Executive Minister, Baptist General Convention of Virginia
Interim Education Chair, Richmond Chapter NAACP
Richmond City Council